Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
Adopt- A- Highway
2016 Hosted in Virginia Beach
February 24, 2018*
July 14, 2018*
*Dates are subject to change
2301 Taylor Rd on Portsmouth Blvd
(near Chesapeake Square Mall)
(park in the BJs parking lot)


Jerome Alston Memorial Foundation donated a case of Gatorade to the Cradock Middle School Basketball team

Our board members, Tiffini Smith-Mosely and Nicole Smith Taylor attended a recent Portsmouth Citywide PTA meeting and shared ways JAM Foundation can work with the PTA to make a difference in the schools and community. Pictured with President of the Portsmouth PTA, Donna Clifton.

Our board members, Tiffini Smith-Mosely and Nicole Smith Taylor attended a recent Portsmouth Citywide PTA meeting and shared ways JAM Foundation can work with the PTA to make a difference in the schools and community. Pictured with President of the Portsmouth PTA, Donna Clifton.