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Adopt- A- Highway

Adopt the Highway is one of the staple programs of the Jerome Alston Memorial Foundation. Jerome was a huge advocate for community service. He was known to have started the Adopt A Highway program for the Gamma Xi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. It was only fitting to continue this part of his legacy. 
This quarterly community service event provides an opportunity to beautify the community along Taylor Road and Portsmouth Boulevard in the City of Chesapeake, Virginia.

2016 Hosted in Virginia Beach

2016 Clean Up Dates:
February 24, 2018*
July 14, 2018* 

*Dates are subject to change

2301 Taylor Rd on Portsmouth Blvd
(near Chesapeake Square Mall)
(park in the BJs parking lot)


Jerome Alston Memorial Foundation donated a case of Gatorade to the Cradock Middle School Basketball team

Our board members, Tiffini Smith-Mosely and Nicole Smith Taylor attended a recent Portsmouth Citywide PTA meeting and shared ways JAM Foundation can work with the PTA to make a difference in the schools and community. Pictured with President of the Portsmouth PTA, Donna Clifton.

Our board members, Tiffini Smith-Mosely and Nicole Smith Taylor attended a recent Portsmouth Citywide PTA meeting and shared ways JAM Foundation can work with the PTA to make a difference in the schools and community. Pictured with President of the Portsmouth PTA, Donna Clifton.

The Jerome Alston Memorial Foundation will host a Toss Your Tie Drive to collect neck ties and bowties for young men. The ties will be given to underserved student athletes and young men involved in youth organizations. 
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